Our education system must allow parents to choose a school—public or private—that best fits the needs of their children.
Schools and school systems must be accountable to parents and taxpayers for delivering on the promise of a quality education for each child and producing the next generation of engaged citizenry. Schools, school systems and universities are in urgent need of a renewed focus on healthy culture, academic achievement and accountability to better serve the potential and promise of the next generation.
This can only occur with effective and fully resourced policing to tackle criminal behavior along with a commitment from prosecutors and judges to put the needs of victims first. True public safety rests on justice which demands that the police, prosecutors and judges are held accountable to the community that they serve.
Community engagement is a must as trusted allies with law enforcement in the fight for safe and livable neighborhoods.
Immigrant communities know this all too well. Their entrepreneurial spirit and work ethic is a model that needs to be supported, nurtured and replicated throughout the city and state, especially with and for returning citizens and the homeless.
Job creation and generational wealth need to be the priorities, promoted via innovative programs and initiatives to produce a strong workforce, responsible finances and taxation, business growth and development and adequate and sustainable housing. Our goal is to provide less of a safety net and more of a robust springboard that catapults families and communities to economic prosperity.
It must also adhere to a system of checks and balances to eliminate (and prevent) government and political corruption.
To that end, citizens and voters must become engaged in the civic and political process. We believe that government accountability demands that all groups get a proportionate and appropriate share of governmental resources.
The institution of family needs to be supported, not only as an idea, but specifically through public policies that bolster the role of parents, especially fathers, in decision-making on behalf of their children, incentivizes parent responsibility, fosters family health, well-being and stability and which engages social and faith-based institutions in buttressing the family. We envision a city and state that becomes the place to raise a family in 21st century America.